The Art of Custom Whiteboard Videos: Creating High Converting Whiteboard Animation

Over the past few years, videos have received a lot of attention in the marketing world. With videos being easier to produce and share than ever before, many are taking advantage of all that video has to offer their brand.

But with so many businesses investing in video, it can be difficult to stand out from the competition.  One unique medium that businesses could use to market their products is whiteboard animation.

With whiteboard animation videos, you can see the story being drawn out by hand before your eyes. Complete with a good story and narration, creating a whiteboard animation video ensures that viewers will remember you and your offerings.

Why Use Whiteboard Animation

One of the reasons whiteboard animation videos are so successful is their simplicity. According to award-winning scientist Richard Wiseman, “whiteboard animation videos outperform all other video styles in memory tests, problem-solving, shareability, and overall impact.”

When viewers get to watch the story being drawn out right in front of them, it’s easy to grab their attention and retain it till the very end! Wiseman asserts that when we watch animation being drawn in front of our eyes, it triggers the release of dopamine, the brain’s feel-good chemical.

Compared to videos with talking heads, whiteboard animation videos are more effective at getting people to share the video and buy the service shown.

Another bonus to using whiteboard videos is that they tend to be less expensive to produce than other types of videos and animation. Whiteboards are effective and budget-friendly as they can deliver your message in a more cost-effective and creative medium.  

Creating Whiteboard Animation Videos

Viewers might love them for their simplicity, but creating a high converting whiteboard animation video might not be as easy as it seems. They can require a lot of time and attention to get just right, but they’re certainly worth it.

Write the Perfect Script

As with any video, you want to be able to emotionally connect with viewers as much as possible. How you write your script will depend on what your goals for the video are. Before you start writing your script, you’ll want to think about what your video is trying to achieve. Do you have a complex product you want to explain? Or are you trying to create an entertaining way to tell your brand’s story? Understanding the purpose of your whiteboard video will help you create a script that can effectively communicate your message to viewers.

Time is of the essence when it comes to whiteboard videos, so it’s important to keep in mind how long your video is and how efficiently you can get your message across in that time. Videos tend to be the most successful when they’re under 90 seconds, so be sure to only stick to important aspects to keep viewers interested.

Create a Storyboard

Storyboards give your team the opportunity to see how your ideas will play out in the video. Creating a storyboard is an essential step in keeping your narrative in order. For larger teams, this is the perfect area to brainstorm creative ideas and work together to create a succinct storyline that will make the production run smoothly.

At Ripple Animation, we create a PowerPoint presentation that includes each line of the script and the animations that go along with it. With your storyboard, you’ll be able to know exactly what your animation video will look like when it’s complete.  

Add Audio

Voiceovers and music are essential to getting your message across in a whiteboard video. While we think of whiteboard videos as being dominated by the animation itself, choosing the right elements in the audio can uplift your video and make it more engaging and memorable for users. Choose a narrator that best matches the tone that you want to set for the video. A talented narrator can make it much easier for your viewers to follow along and explain ideas that may not be clear from the animation itself.

Good audio actually has more of an impact on how much people engage with a video than you may think. Even if you choose to skip the voiceover, it’s important to pick the right music and sound effects  to go along with the video.


For whiteboard animation videos, it could benefit you to stick to a more traditional animation route. A clean white background, black markers, and a visible hand drawing the story out are what make whiteboard videos what they are. While the classic style looks great for most whiteboard videos, adding an accent color every now and then adds flair to the video. Because of the simplicity of whiteboard animation, it’s especially important to have well-crafted illustrations and backgrounds for the animations.  

Make it Continuous

Watching a whiteboard video being drawn out in front of us makes it easy for us to follow along. A good whiteboard animation video should include interconnected drawings. Viewers want to be included in the progression of your video. Having as few breaks and separate illustrations as possible ensures that your video flows effortlessly. A continuous narrative in your video keeps your viewers waiting to see what will happen next.

In summation

Whiteboard videos are a familiar concept and an effective way to educate viewers. Ripple Animation has worked with dozens of brands and business leaders to create educational and formal whiteboard animated videos. For more information about whiteboard animation or to work with our team, make sure to contact us today!.

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