How to Use Explainer Videos Throughout the Buyer’s Journey

Are you looking for an explainer video service that can help create videos for prospects at various stages in the buyer’s journey? If so, you’re reading the right blog. It’s OK if you’re new to the world of explainer videos. No need to worry because we’ve got you covered! We’ve helped global brands, companies, and even start-ups creatively use explainer videos to grow their businesses.

Explainer videos are the newest and most effective form of marketing. The human brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than it processes text-based information. Therefore, video marketing helps people absorb large quantities of information in a short span of time.

If you do create explainer videos, make sure that they are of the highest quality. A word of advice, don’t settle for anything less than the best explainer video company in Mumbai.

The buyer’s journey is categorized into three separate stages – Awareness stage, Evaluation stage and Purchase stage. The buyer is not necessarily thinking about making a busing decision in all three phases.  It is, therefore, critical to have different explainer videos for each stage.

The amount of time that your prospect spends considering purchasing a product accounts for only 15% of the process. Therefore, each video must address the unique concerns or questions that your prospect may have at each respective phase.

The Role of Explainer Videos in Each Stage of the Buyer’s Journey

1. Explainer Videos in the Awareness Stage

First, clients need to know that you understand the nature of their problems. The awareness stage is the right opportunity for you to let prospects know how your offering can make their lives easier. You can also give them information about your products and services. But don’t try a hard sell during this stage. A majority of consumers in the awareness stage are not looking to make a purchase. Pushing your offering too hard at this point can reduce the chances of converting prospects to customers. During this stage, it is crucial to go to the best explainer video company to help you create an explainer video that showcases your solution. A well-made explainer video will help get you a lot of views and shares on social channels. The primary objective at the awareness stage is to make engaging and viral content.

2. Explainer Videos in the Consideration Stage

At this stage, prospective customers have understood your offerings well. They might already have already shortlisted a few potential solutions. At this stage they need more information on how they will benefit from purchasing your product or service. Your potential customer is willing to learn more about your work and services and will spend time viewing your explainer videos or demo videos to better understand the features and benefits. Your job at this stage is to show them that your offering is the one they should choose.

3. Explainer Videos in the Purchase Stage

Prospects at this stage have a fair idea of your offering and its benefits. The objective of explainer videos at the purchase stage is to close the deal. You will now need great product demos or videos that showcase your offering in as much detail as possible. Show how you’re offering stands out from that of other players. Get your sales team a tracking system so that they can figure out which video each prospective customer has watched. This information will help your sales team to identify which of your offerings or which part of your offering each prospect is most interested in.

Wrapping Up

Always use the services of the best explainer video company in your region. This way you can ensure that the benefits of your product come through in the best way possible. It is vital that your offering stands out from that of your competitors. Most customers today are already halfway through the buyer’s journey before they even interact with a salesperson. Integrating start-up explainer videos into your marketing strategy can give your sales team ammunition that competitors may not have.

Your relationship with your client does not end after making a sale. Welcome new patrons and send them personalized visual greetings and onboarding videos. Videos help you to establish a more personal relationship with your client and steady engagement with your clients ensures that they come back to you. But here’s the best part! Explainer video costs come down as you create more and more videos and achieve economies of scale.

You’re just one step away expanding and building a loyal client base. Get in touch and try our explainer video services to boost your conversion rates. Start your journey today!

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