Why animated videos are the best option for business communication

The information you need to share for business communication could prove dry and complex to a layman. So, in today’s age of information overload and limited attention spans, how best can you speak to your customer? Animated videos are a great way to breathe life into your communication, no matter what you have to say. Here’s why animated video works:

    • You are in a position to create the world you want – you get to decide the look, feel and tone you want to adopt to get your message across in the most effective manner. Once you have answered the basic question of what you want the viewer to think when he watches your video, you canwork to engage your potential customer. The assets you create – characters, backgrounds, props — all help to build your story. The voice you choose does the heavy lifting in terms of getting important information across. Since viewers can absorb messages through multiple senses, you can lay out different pieces of information in your video.Music and sound effects are also a great way to highlight what you want to emphasize, and also to bring out emotions.


    • Reading is work while video is play – most visitors on digital channels would rather watch a video (whether it is a video animation for business, a product explainer video, or a humorous animated story), than read reams of information. With digital advancement, expectation among surfers is also growing and theywould rather sit back and watch a video on their screen with minimum effort on their part.


    • Dry or complex information made simple and engaging -animated videos work well in a business context because you can use graphs, charts and screenshots to represent complex information. People not only prefer to watch videos, but studies show that they comprehend and retain more from an audiovisual presentation than they do from reading. So whether you want to engage a potential customer or build brand identity, video outperforms every other form of media.


    • Engagement on your digital channels is enhanced – when animated videos are used to show the benefits of products or services, the rewards are potentially huge.While viewing a video the chances of people bouncing away from your webpage could decrease. In fact, if the content is engaging, your visitors will be compelled to stay longer and,chances are, that they will be drawn to the business or brand.


    • Versatility –videoscan be uploaded live on your website, or pulled out of your pocket and played on smart phones and tablets. Many of our clients are using videos on their homepage, on product and service pages and even on the landing pages of paid campaigns. In addition, links to videos can be used in email signatures, conferences and at client meetings across the table.


    • Social platforms can be used to amplify reach–700+ Youtube videos are shared via FB and Twitter every minute as per a study done by Google.


    • You could create innovative campaigns on your social channels to incentivize people to share your video as well.


    • Animated videos have no limits – animation allows you to show anything you want to, whether it is a complicated production process, or a situation that could never be replicated in reality, animation makes the impossible, possible.


The bottom line is that if you want to stand out from your competitors, get propelled organically in search results and reach light TV viewers, you want a video. Over time, you can build an entire video strategy that will keep you ahead of the game (or at least in it). If we piqued your interest, or you’re curious to know more, contact us at v@ripplemedia.co. We currently have an offer of 10% off on our published rates.

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