2D Animation

These videos are a convenient, popular and cost effective tool to tell your brand or company story, explain a product or service, educate consumers of the benefits of your solution or even show them a case study.

Dating back to the 1800s, 2D animation is a very artistic and sought after style for animated videos. It represents characters and situations in a 2 dimensional context instead of the three dimensional manner we are used to seeing things in real life. Earlier, 2D animation was created by sketching each frame by hand and placing these frames on a timeline to give the illusion of movement. The process was both tedious and time consuming, Now, thanks to different types of software, 2D animation has gone digital and animators can create scenes in great detail with far less effort.

Who should seek 2D animation videos?

If you are looking for a simple communication where the characters are moving without them coming up close, or moving behind giving the viewer a sense of space, then 2D animation is the way to go. This is because it is easier on the eye and makes for an uncomplicated viewing experience. Besides that 2D animation is also more economical than 3D animation in most instances.

2D animation is a great technique to explain your company, product or service directly or, better still, to weave a story around it. We have found that creating characters and situations that people relate to increases engagement rates and helps viewers retain your message. With digital channels becoming the preferred source of research and information, it is important to create videos and 2D animation is a good choice.

What it does

A marketing video is a direct revelation of your offer. It puts forward what you want to express by showing the viewer exactly how they can use, or benefit from your product or service.

While the idea behind 3D animation is how close to reality it can be, 2D animation works because it is just the opposite. Confused? It's actually quite simple (much like the style of animation). For many the idea of creating an animated video is that they can show things they cannot depict in live action videos. This is because most often they want to exaggerate or dramatize something, show something that cannot actually happen in a real or 3D world or make the characters move in unnatural ways.

To sum it up, 2D animation is cost effective and impactful, and could be just what you need to get your message across.