Stock Footage Videos

Video Style & Themes

Depending on your objective, your target audience and the messaging, we can help you determine the most appropriate format for your video. Styles include whiteboard animation, 2D animation, videos created using stock footage, videos shot live and GIFS. We sometimes use a mix of styles depending on what we need to achieve.

Pricing & Payments

The pricing depends on 2 factors – the length of the film and the style. The style could be whiteboard animation, 2D animation, live action or stock footage.

Once we decide to work together and know the style as well as the proposed length of the film, you will make the advance payment of 50% of the estimated amount. Once the script is approved, you will pay another 25% and the rest of the payment is upon approval of the video. The final output is an HD quality video.

In case your video exceeds the length we had estimated, you will be informed at the scripting stage. You can then choose to cut down the video or go ahead with the new length. If you should choose to go ahead with the longer video, we will bill you on a pro rata basis for the extra seconds once the video is complete and when we know the final length. For example, if the cost for a video that is upto 60 seconds is $600, the per second rate is $100. If your video then goes to 61 seconds, you will pay an additional $100 for the extra second.

How long does a 60 second video typically take to complete?

In our experience, a one minute video typically takes 3-4 weeks to complete. The biggest chunk of time is spent on the scripting stage since the script is the backbone of the film. Nailing the script usually takes a week back and forth between you and us. Post that we send you proposed art styles. Once the art style is chosen, we send you a PowerPoint presentation of exactly how each frame in the film will look and what the corresponding voice over for each frame will be. Upon your approval of this storyboard, we will record the voice over and start the animation. Finally, we will complete the sound post-production – adding music, leveling the voice over and adjusting the voice over to fit the visuals.

The time taken to create the video can be significantly reduced, if our team gets a solid brief and receives prompt & specific feedback from you at every stage. If you need the video on an urgent basis, we can work that out too.

What are the steps involved in creating an animated video?

We have a stringent process to ensure that our team and yours are aligned at every step of the way. Please visit our process page to know more.

Do you use templates to create your videos?

All our videos are custom made based on your brief, your target audience and the message you want to convey. Working with templates can be very limiting and we would need to retro fit the script to fit the template - not a good idea or effective in terms of communication. So, no, we don’t use templates.

Who will work on my video?

We have 4 departments, each of which will play an integral part in getting you a video that achieves your objectives. The scripting team will write the script, our visualizers will set a look and feel based on your brand guidelines, our animation team will create the characters, props & backgrounds and our sound team will add the right music, sound effects and level the voice.

How do I ensure that I like the final video?

Neither you nor us would want to be in a situation where you don’t know what you’re going to get. That’s exactly why, we have a proven 4 step approval process. We do not move to the next step until the previous step has been approved in writing. The 4 steps are – approval of script, approval of art style, approval of story board and approval of voice over. We will make unlimited revisions at every stage till you are satisfied.

Can I get a discount?

We can look at a discount if you need more than 30 minutes of video content over a 6 month period.