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Explainer Videos

Solution Found - Male

ID 02EX-0001M

This straightforward template showcases the problems clients face and then demonstrates how the brand solves the problems.

Solution Found - Female

ID 02EX-0001F

This straightforward template showcases the problems clients face and then demonstrates how the brand solves the problems.

The Presenter

ID 02EX-0002M

A demo video template that uses a presenter to showcase the product/offering on a screen. Screenshots and screen captures can also be uploaded.

The Abstract Template

ID 03EX-0014M

A visual representation of the problem a customer faces, how the brand solves the problem and the key benefits of the solution.

The Jigsaw Puzzle

The Jigsaw Puzzle

ID 03EX-0014

A hand is trying to put the pieces of a puzzle together but can't figure out which piece goes where. The brand comes in the form of the solution and helps bring the right pieces together.

The Bulb

ID 04EX-0023

A bulb suddenly goes off. A hand presses the switch but the light stays off. The brand then comes in the form of a new bulb and the room lights up again.

The Rubik's Cube

ID 06EX-0002

We see a hand trying to solve a Rubik's cube but the cube seems impossible to solve. The brand comes in, in the form of a hint and helps align all the colours.

Dull Scissors

ID 07EX-0001

A hand is trying to make a paper flower but his scissor blades are not sharp enough to cut the shape correctly. The brand then comes in, in the form of a piece of foil. This foil is used to sharpen the scissor blades and the hand cuts the paper correctly.

The Video Game

ID 03EX-0016

A car needs to find its way out of a jam. The brand, in the form of hint, helps the car get to the next level.

The Game

ID 06EX-0001

A game of chess is on and one side is losing piece after piece. That's when the player gets a hint and changes the strategy as he goes on to win the game.

The Maze - Male

ID 02EX-0004M

A man is trying to navigate a maze but is completely lost. The brand, in the form of a map, comes in to show the man the way out of the maze and into a beautiful garden.

The Maze - Female

ID 02EX-0004F

A lady is trying to navigate a maze but is completely lost. The brand, in the form of a map, comes in to show her the way out of the maze and into a beautiful garden.

Reaching for Fruits - Male

ID 03EX-0005M

A boy is trying to reach a bunch of apples on top of a tall tree. The brand, in the form of a rocket pack, helps the boy get to the top branch and eat the apple.

Reaching for Fruits - Female

ID 03EX-0005F

A girl is trying to reach a bunch of apples on top of a tall tree. The brand, in the form of a rocket pack, helps her get to the top branch and eat the apple.

The Happy Plant

ID 04EX-0022

This template shows a healthy looking flower wilting. The brand comes in the form of a watering jug and revives the flower.

Crossroad - Male

ID 03EX-0006M

A boy is at a crossroad and doesn’t know what path to take. The brand, in the form of a guide, shows the way.

Crossroad - Female

ID 03EX-0006F

A girl is at a crossroad and doesn’t know what path to take. The brand, in the form of a guide, shows the way.

The Bridge

ID 01EX-0007M

A man is trying to cross a ravine but there’s no way to get across. The brand, in the form of a draw bridge, helps him get to the other side.

The Raft

ID 04EX-0008M

A man is drowning and struggling for air. The brand, in the form of a raft, floats up to him and saves the day.

Writer's Block

ID 03EX-0010M

An author is facing a writer's block. The brand in the form of a cup of cofee, brought to him by his mother, helps him find inspiration and become a best selling author.

Lost In The Desert

ID 02EX-0011M

A man is tired and lost in a vast, hot desert. The brand, in the form of a pick-up truck, comes to the rescue and leads him to a beautiful oasis.

Breaking News

ID 01EX-0012M

A news anchor launches a new product, describes it and shows-off the benefits while using supers and screenshot.

Heavy Load

ID 01EX-03EX-0007F

A lady is standing on the road with a lot of heavy bags which she’s unable to load into the car. The brand, in the form, of a man with a helping hand comes into save the day.


ID 02EX-0002F

A witch is confronted by a scary looking, fuming dragon. Her regular spells don’t work. The brand, in the form of a spell book, saves the day.

The Wizard

ID 02EX-0003M

A wizard is confronted by a scary looking, fuming dragon. His regular spells don’t work. The brand, in the form of a spell book, saves the day.

Fire Engine

ID 04EX-0003F

A lady sees a fire and is alarmed. The brand in the form of a fire engine with firemen, steps in to put out the flames.


ID 01EX-0008F

Life is moving along smoothly, until the unexpected happens. There's a sudden shower. The brand, in the form of an umbrella saves the day.

Star Kid

ID 01EX-0009F

A little girl, is trying to touch a star but can't reach. A stool slides in and gives her a leg up, helping her reach her goal. The stool represents the brand. This template allows for image and uploads as well.

The Burnt Cake

ID 02EX-0011F

A lady is baking a cake for a brithday party but it gets burnt. The brand, in the form of a bakery, delivers a fabulous cakes and the party is a success.

The Archer

ID 03EX-0013M

An archer tries to the hit the bulls eye but he misses because his arrows are faulty. The brand, in the form of new arrows helps him hit the mark.

The Chef

ID 03EX-0015M

A chef is creating a new recipe and realizes the same old sauce doesn't work. The brand in the form of a new ingredient saves the day.

The Rescue

ID 01EX-0016

Three friends are on a banana boat in the ocean when one falls into the water and starts to drown. The brand, in the form of a lifeguard, sees her drowning and rescues her.

F1 Driver

ID 04EX-0017

A race car driver is winning the race when suddenly his tyre gets punctured, the brand, in the form of the pit stop crew, quickly fixes the tyre and the driver goes on to win the race.

Sales Made Easier

ID 02EX-0018

A perfume salesman in a mall has a great range of products but can't attract the attention of his prospects. The brand, in the form of a helpful lady, shows him how he can get customers to flock to his counter and increase sales.


Swimming Lessons

ID 04EX-0022

A young boy is afraid to get into the pool as he doesn't know how to swim. The brand in the form of a swimming coach teaches him how to swim and become confident in the water.