Stand Out and Engage Your Audience With Affordable Videos Designed By Experts

Get customized videos using engaging video templates created by experts. Choose a template, send us text/screenshots you want in your video and sit back as our team puts your video together. Watch as your business grows with video marketing.

Explainer Templates

Solution Found - Male

ID 02EX-0001M

This straightforward template showcases the problems clients face and then demonstrates how the brand solves the problems.

The Maze - Female

ID 02EX-0004F

A lady is trying to navigate a maze but is completely lost. The brand, in the form of a map, comes in to show her the way out of the maze and into a beautiful garden.

Reaching for Fruits - Male

ID 03EX-0005M

Reaching for Fruits - A boy is trying to reach a bunch of apples on top of a tall tree. The brand, in the form of a rocket pack, helps the boy get to the top branch and eat the apple.

Demo Templates

The Clean Demo

ID 01DE-0001M

A simple template where you can introduce a problem statement and showcase your solution via supers, screenshots and.or images.


ID 03DE-0001F

A lady newscaster announces the launch of a pathbreaking new product with screenshots et al.


ID 02DE-0002F

A witch is confronted by a scary looking, fuming dragon. Her regular spells don’t work. The brand, in the form of a spell book, saves the day.

Festival Templates

Christmas - 01

ID 04FE-0002CH

In the video fir trees appear in a forest and behind them there are a series of mountain peaks. A smiling Santa comes riding his sleigh from the left to the right and back again.

Diwali - 01

ID 01FE-0001HI

The video plays on the concept of a bright flame as it transforms from a lit candle to a lit firework, then to a lit diya and finally ends in a lit firework bomb. It ends with a bang and a super with a Diwali greeting.

Eid Al Adha - 01

ID 03FE-0001IS

The video shows a desert scene where a man standing by a mosque looks in awe at a shooting star.

Other Templates

Client Feedback | Emoji

ID 02OT-0001

Use this template if a client has had a poor experience and you'd like to get their feedback. It's also a great way to let the client know you're open to change.

Client Feedback | Robot

ID 02OT-0002

This template works well to get feedback from clients who's been unhappy with your offering. It also make them feel that you value their input.

Thank You 01

ID 03OT-0003

Use this template when you win business from a client. You can thank them for trusting you with their business.