5 ways in which you can plan for success in a post-lockdown world

The wheels of commerce have temporarily (we hope!) come to an almost grinding halt. This period is one of confusion and great concern for most companies. But don’t despair, all is not lost. 

There is much that every company can focus on even during this difficult time. And to rise from this crisis will require some ingenuity and a dash of daring. 

Here are 5 tips for businesses to regain lost ground post COVID-19

1. Focus on the possibilities rather than on constraints

During the COVID-19 lockdown, there’s a lot that we can’t change. But there’s still a lot we can do in spite of our constraints. Take the time to reflect on all the projects and processes that you have always wanted to look at on a deeper level. Earlier you may have had many daily operational and urgent issues that didn’t allow you the time to think clearly about what was really important for your business in the long term. Now, time is a resource that you do have. Use it to think about and work on all the new projects that could help take your business to the next level. 

2. Have your communication in place

Once this lockdown is over and Covid-19 is but a memory, be the company with the clearest strategy and most engaging marketing collateral. Create personalized communication for each stakeholder in advance and disseminate it at just the right moment. Your competitors will be struggling to get their collateral ready while all you have to do is hit the ‘send’ button. 

Studies have shown that video content is the most engaging as compared to all other forms of content. Videos do, however, take time and effort to create. Now’s the time to think through how you can use explainer videos, marketing videos, newsletter videos, demo videos, company culture videos and training videos to engage effectively with your target audience. 

Once you have a video first strategy for your marketing needs, you’ll stand out from your competition and see significant growth in conversion rates and sales. 

3. Find new opportunities

A post COVID-19 world is likely to be different from the world as we knew it. Public health, maintenance of hygiene in public, industrial and office spaces, travel safety norms, all of these may be areas that will require significant attention. And of course every aspect of the supply chain may come under greater scrutiny.

So take the time to consider how your business offerings provide unique solutions to the problems that our new world will be facing. Be sure to have a communication strategy in place to showcase your solutions. 

4. Talk to your clients and prospects

Keeping in touch with clients and prospects will go a long way in achieving your targets as we go back to business as usual. This is a great time to contact clients and start a conversation or give them useful and relevant information on how your offering can help them recover from this crisis. Get referrals from existing clients and reach out to prospects as well.  

5. Build the best possible team

You now also have the time to discover the best talent in your industry and to start having conversations with them. This is important because eventually the lockdown will be lifted and once it does, you can swoop in. Think about each person’s role more clearly and optimize work flow for your existing teams as well.  

Remember that although this lockdown is a setback, it can also be a great opportunity for you.

To create effective marketing collateral including videos, reach out to us via Ripple Animation and Ripple Media.

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