Homepage Video: What Are The Do’s & The Don’ts?

Every communication channel follows the AIDA model of Awareness, Interest, Desire & Action. Your website is one of the first places your potential customer is likely to visit to  know more about your company. Websites usually form part of the awareness stage but they may also have e-commerce functionality and so could also be part of the action stage. Website visitors are likely to enter through the homepage. And within the homepage, the first piece of content you would ideally like them to see is your homepage video. Your homepage video is a great way to tell your story and engage with your website visitors.

Here’s a list of ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ for creating  awareness through homepage videos


  • Keep it short: You want to pique interest and create awareness with your homepage video. A teaser will help you do just that. Stay away from launching into too much detail that may cause you prospect to navigate away. 
  • Keep it on mute: If you’ve enabled autoplay, then you can either upload a silent video with subtitles or have a sound button that is set to mute by default. It’s best not to create any friction for your visitors through sounds that may play unexpectedly. 
  • Get straight to the point: It pays to inform the user about the pain point that your product/service will solve within the first 10 seconds of the video.
  • Think of the homepage video as a 30 second TV Commercial: Commercials create interest and desire in a short period of time without being too in-depth. That is the ideal you should follow when creating your homepage explainer video. 


  • Don’t use video as a replacement for copy: Copy on the homepage is necessary for SEO purposes. Your homepage video is not an end in itself but it can definitely be used effectively to gain attention and get people interested in your offering.  The video could also lead the user into other sections of the website that provide more in-depth information.
  • Don’t keep the homepage explainer video tucked away: The video needs to be front and center and preferably in the first fold of your homepage. If you position your explainer video at the bottom or in other places that require scrolling, then the user could miss it entirely!
  • Don’t just state facts, but engage: Your video should not be simple text or a monologue with a talking head. It’s an opportunity (the very first) for you to excite and entertain your audience. A variety of motion graphics and animated explainer videos are an effective way to create a compelling narrative. 

To get the best result for your website video and business you need a trusted team of experts. Ripple Animation is the best homepage explainer video company in Mumbai and has created many homepage explainer videos across industry verticals.

We’d be delighted to help you create a homepage explainer video for your business. To know more about how you can boost your sales through homepage explainer videos, reach out to us via email or visit our website and fill out the short form on our homepage.

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