How Animated Explainer Videos Can Boost Email Open Rates

Email marketing has been a staple of online marketing campaigns for over a decade. And with good reason! Although, email marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing, it‘s still the most effective way to reach your target audience very directly.

But the question is, how can you add a new twist to an old technique? Try animated explainer videos! Explainer videos can go a long way in reinvigorating your email marketing campaigns and giving them a zing.

According to Campaign Monitor, videos boost email open rates by 19%,  click-through rates by 65%, and reduce unsubscribes by 26%.The combination of email and video gives you a powerful and effective way to take your marketing campaigns to the next level.

In today’s world where your target audience is receiving an unprecedented number of marketing e-mails, the only way to get your message across is by creating content people choose to view. If you can hit the nail on the head by including explainer videos with an interesting thumb nail in your campaigns, you are likely to see measurable results. Once your click through rates increase, your conversion rates will also go up, helping you grow your business.

Here are some useful tips when using animated explainer videos:

1. Always try to include the word ‘video’in a crisp subject line, so that the reader knows that he has the option to watch rather than read. Compose a subject line that entices your viewers into clicking the play button.

2. Choose an alluring thumbnail for your video. The thumbnail is going to help the viewer decide whether he is interested in watching your explainer video.

3. Don’t bombard your audience with multiple calls to action. Decide what one action you’d like people to take after they view your video. You can drive them to a website, an e-commerce store, a blog, a form or a phone number.

4. Avoid sending video files in your e-mails for a better user experience. It’s best to use an engaging thumbnail and link it to a url where your explainer video resides.

5. Think about sending your audience to your website when they click on the thumbnail as this technique will increase the traffic to your site and indirectly help your SEO as well.

You can personalize your video e-mail campaigns at scale as well. There are explainer video agencies that can help you add a client’s name, their company name and change scenes based on where they are in your buyers journey and much more. Not only can you personalize the text in your video, but some tools allows you to personalize the audio as well! Personalization, if done right,  will help your business lower its customer acquisition costs significantly.

If you need a personalized explainer video that drives results for your marketing campaign, get in touch with Ripple Animation, the best explainer video company in Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi and Pune.

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