How You Can Gain Insights Into Video Performance Via Video Analytics

There are many metrics available on a variety of video platforms that give you valuable insights into the performance of your videos. It takes hard work to regularly analyze the information and slowly optimize your video strategy. But if you use the right tools and understand what metrics you need to track, your work becomes easier.

Read on to see how you can build your business’s video strategy through helpful analytics.

Choose the right video hosting platform

There are a variety of platforms you can choose from to host your videos. Each one provides slightly different metrics. YouTube is the most popular platform and is the 2nd largest search engine. YouTube is owned by Google, which is the largest search engine firm, and that’s why you see a high preference for YouTube videos on Google Search. But of late, viewers have complained about the increasing number of ads on YouTube. Thankfully, there are a lot of alternatives for you to choose from, such as Wistia, Vidyard, Vimeo, Sprout Video, Cincopa, Brightcove, and others.

Directly upload your videos on social media platforms

You can upload your video to a specialist video host and share the links on your social media pages. But over the years most social media sites have built their own native video players and it’s hard to ignore the fact that they have tremendous reach too. It may be tiresome to upload repeatedly to various sites, so you should try and start off with a couple and build more as you go on. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram are the social media platforms worth considering for your video. Facebook gives a lot of analytics data on videos uploaded to their platform and if your audience is active here, you should definitely consider directly uploading to Facebook. LinkedIn helps a lot of small and medium businesses find viewers. Twitter helps quickly spread viral content. Instagram’s stories feature has made videos popular on the platform.

Take advantage of analytics tools

Google Analytics is free and by far the most powerful tool in this space. It gives you more data than you would know what to do with. The other option is Kissmetrics. Kissmetrics helps you track a user from the very first engagement to purchase and beyond.

The metrics you should consider

1. View Count
This is the most basic metric that tells you how well your video is performing. YouTube takes into account videos that have been viewed for at least 30 seconds while Facebook & Instagram count views of 3 seconds and above.

2. Watch Time
While View Count answers the question of ‘how many’, Watch Time answers the question of ‘how much’. It tells you the total time spent by viewers on your video and also the timestamps when they tuned off. This metric is helpful in discovering which part of your video is leading to drop-offs, so you can take corrective measures in the next video.

3. Play Rate
The Play Rate tells you the ratio of how many people were exposed to the thumbnail of the video compared to how many played the video. This metric tells you which headlines/titles/thumbnails worked well and which did not.

4. Social Shares
A simple way to see if people are finding your video content valuable. It also tells you which communities are most interested in your videos.

5. Click-through Rate
This rate is the ratio of the number of people who viewed your videos compared to those that followed the Call-to-action and clicked on the link in the description (on YouTube) or the CTA link in the video (on other platforms).

6. Conversion Rate
The most pertinent question that you need to seek an answer to. It determines the ROI of your videos. This metric shows you how many viewers finally took the action you wanted them to take – the action could be a form fill, a call or a purchase, for example.

7. Qualitative Feedback
Apart from all the quantitative data, you also get qualitative feedback in the form of comments under the video, e-mails sent to you, and comments posted in the ‘Communities’ tab of your channel. You can gauge how well received your videos were by glancing through the comments. It also pays to reply to the comments to build loyalty.

Ripple Animation is the best explainer video company in Mumbai and Bengaluru and has created many Explainer Videos across industry verticals.

We’d be delighted to help you make a great explainer video for your business and provide you valuable video analytics reports. To know more about how you can boost awareness through a product explainer video for business, please reach out to us via email or visit our website and fill out the short form on our homepage

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