Top 5 reasons why explainer videos are important for businesses in 2020

As we settle into a post COVID-19 world, businesses remain concerned about survival. Plans that were made need to be reshaped. Strategies must be quickly adapted. And at the heart of all this is being able to communicate with customers.

In this new world, it is important to understand the roleof animated explainer videosfor business can play in helping you stand out and grow your business.

1.Explainer videos engage like no other collateral

Studies show thatthe average viewer consumed about 84 minutes of video content in 2019. This year, this number is expected to increase to 100 minutes! Coupled with the fact that, people are able to retain around 50% more information when it is given to them in a visual and auditory format, explainer videos can prove to be a great tool for your business.

2.Explainer videos get you ROI

In these difficult times, every marketing investment needs to be economical as well as impactful. And research reveals that amongst all the marketing tools available to a business, videos, if done right, remain the most effective. Conversion rates can increase exponentially if a well thought out video communication is deployed. View this case study to see how you can benefit from effective explainer videos for business.

3 Explainer videos boost your SEO

Google pays a lot of attention to video content. So if people are viewing your animated explainer videos, they end up spending more time on your website or social media pages. This time spent on your page improves your search ranking, making it likelier for your business to appear higher on a prospective customer’s search results.

4. Explainer videos can simplify complex information

Explainer videos for business hold the potential to make technical content easy-to-understand. A well-made animated explainer video provides the viewer with a conceptual understanding of any product, system or service. For example, in this video, we explained in a simple manner how the Zycus Invoice Matching system works.

5. Explainer videos build your brand image

Every piece of business communication contributes to the value of your brand. And in many ways, the medium is the message. So when an animated explainer video has a well-crafted narrativeand high quality visuals, then it says a lot about your brand as well!

At Ripple Animation, we specialise in creating videos that deliver results and remain valued brand assets. For instance, our series of humorous videos for ICICI Lombard remain entertaining and useful for both our clients and their prospective customers.

Clearly in this current economic scenario, explainer videos can well be the marketing tool that helps steer your company towards long term growth.

So it is important to pick the best explainer video company in India as you look to create your video content. Ripple Animation is the best explainer video company in India as rated by US review and ratings platform

Over a decade of industry experience has helped us understand the differing needs of each client. From clients across various industries and various metros from Delhi and Bangalore, to projects with a rural focus, we have had the pleasure of working on some reallyexciting categories! And we remain committed to creating content that truly serves your brand’s needs.

So, go ahead and create your video with the best explainer video company in Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi.

To get started on your explainer video journey, reach out to us via email. We’ll always look forward to telling your brand story!

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